
“Glenn M. Stein has written a captivating account of the last voyage of HMS Investigator, under the command of Robert McClure, which discovered the ‘Holy Grail’ of a sea route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans via passage through the Arctic. The Holy Grail, yet also eminently impractical and with great risk to life and limb.”

– Bradley L Kautz

About Glenn

Glenn “Marty” Stein, a proud Florida native, has been immersed in maritime and polar history since 1975, weaving a narrative of exploration and discovery through his extensive research. A prolific writer, he regularly contributes to journals, magazines, and online platforms, sharing his passion for the rich tapestry of historical maritime adventures.

Praise for Glenn’s Works


“A marvellously researched record of Polar history with fascinating details on the origins of the Arctic/Polar Medal.”

Stuart Lawrence


“Well done to the author Glen M. Stein. The book will take pride of place in my library of reference books.”

Brian J Woodcraft


“Glenn Stein is an expert in Arctic Exploration and this book shows him at his best. A very readable first class account and a mine of information.”

David Hannam